Golden Paste

Studies show that people who have dogs at home have lower stress and anxiety levels. Turns out the guard dogs of your home are the guard dogs of your health too. Take care of your furry friends using this golden paste recipe for boosting their immunity and digestive process. Some human friends of dogs swear that the aromatic golden paste helps maintain gut health and keep infections at bay.

Here are the directions to prepare the golden paste for your canine companion.

Add one cup of water to half a cup of Sufalaam Erode Haldi powder in a pan. Stir on low heat for 8-10 minutes or till the paste thickens to the consistency of hummus. Add 1 ½ teaspoon of ground black pepper and ¼ cup of ghee to the thickened mixture. Once cooled, store in a glass jar in the refrigerator where it will stay fresh for two weeks.

A ¼ teaspoon per day for smaller dogs and ½ teaspoon per day, for bigger dogs mixed in their food is recommended. Do keep an eye on how your dog reacts to the ‘golden paste’ and tweak the serving size accordingly, as excessive amounts could upset their stomach.

Turmeric’s active ingredient is called curcumin, it is lauded as ‘curecumin’ for its immense potential as an immunity booster and in treating a variety of specific ailments. Curcumin is the main compound which has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties. It also helps fight liver diseases, arthritis and gastrointestinal issues – the list goes on and on! Many dogs are put on steroids and other powerful drugs to treat various health conditions. Some of this can be avoided by including the ‘golden paste’ into their diet as it has no side effects.

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